Friday, January 14, 2011

A new work in progress!

Well as can be seen, I'm presently playing around like a child in a sandpit trying to build sandcastles out of perfectly dry sand.  However, to be fair to my complete delusions the site looks half decent and eventually will come right at some unknown point.

Having had a little time to think about it, I think I ought to clarify my thoughts about artists who get featured on the blog. There are an enormous amount of budding painters, photographers etc who participate in art for the pure joy of it, and this blog is designed to give those individuals a helping hand by either pointing people in the right direction via a link or displayed on the pages of the blog.

As an English language teacher by profession, I shall be introducing links to various sites that might be useful to fellow artists; as someone who has recently started to learn film editing there are many unsung heroes, male and female, who selflessly give a lot of useful hints, tips and learning strategies to the beginner. I have nothing but praise for the young people I, as an old dog, have been happily taught by.

There I'll leave it for the moment.

Take care


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